Holy Family Children's Ministry Event
You are invited to chase away the winter blues by joining this fun, FREE fellowship gathering for students in PreK-6th grade. On Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 6:00-7:30 PM the parish hall will be full of fun games and activities, many that glow in the dark or light up. You are encouraged to eat dinner before you arrive, but light refreshments will be available. Wear comfy clothes so you can run, jump, and play with friends from the #holyvillage. Wearing white or neon colors will make it extra fun! This event is open to all Holy Family children and their guests, so please bring a friend. Please sign up online. At least one adult per household should plan to stay during the event - it's a great time to catch up with other parents. Questions may be directed to Jolene Johnston, Children's Ministry Director. jjohnston@hfec.org.
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Please list any child food allergies or restrictions or write NONE. *
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