MIT Recreation Locker Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in renting a locker with MIT Recreation. 


You can also use this form to adjust your current locker location. To rent a locker, you are required to have an active membership with a credit card on file. There's a 90 day locker rental commitment, after 90 days, you will have the option to cancel your locker at any time. Due to high demand please allow 2-5 business days for a Member Services Representative to reach out in regards to a new request, if available, we will provide your locker assignment at that time. Please reach out to our email if you have any questions. Rates for the lockers are as follows.

 *Note: All lockers in the Women's Pool locker room are reserved. Lockers in the Zesiger Center Pool Locker Rooms are extremely limited. We recommend the DuPont Locker Rooms for members that don't frequently swim. Lockers are first come first serve. We will not be holding any waitlists for pool locker rooms. Large day lockers are available to use but items must be removed before closing each day.


Student Regular Size Locker $5.00/month


Non-Student Regular Size Locker $10.00/month


Student Small Locker (Only located in the Z-center Mens pool locker room) $4.00/Month


Non-Student Small Locker (Only located in the Z-center Mens pool locker room) $7.00/Month


Thank you,


MIT Recreation Member Services Team

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Email *
NAME:   *
MIT ID:  *
Note the preferred Locker Room and Locker Preference (i.e by the showers, by main door, second row, top or bottom locker, etc.) * We will attempt to honor all requests as availability permits. *
Locker Room Preference
Is this a new locker request or locker room transfer? *
Have you inputted a Credit Card on your Club Automation Account? If the answer is "NO", you need submit a credit card on your Club Automation before proceeding to complete this form. *
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