QuarkNet JHU survey 2018
Please share your feedback about the speakers and events for this week. Rate your satisfaction with each speaker, event or activity. 1 = highly dissatisfied, 2 = dissatisfied, 3 = neither, 4 = satisfied, 5 = highly satisfied
(If you did not attend a particular talk or event, please mark "3".)
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How satisfied were you with the first presentation, by Dr. Jason Kalirai, "Hubble's recent discoveries"? *
Dr. Marc Kamionkowski, "E and B modes in Cosmic Microwave Background". *
Dr. Andrei Gritsan, "Connecting the standard models of cosmology and particle physics". *
Dr. Sabine Stanley, "JHU Earth and Planetary science, Juno, Cassini and InSight". *
Dr. Emanuele Berti (he spoke twice about LIGO and Black Holes) *
Dr. Kyle McElroy "The multiverse in the palm of your hand". *
Dr. Petar Maksimovic *
How satisfied were you with the QuarkNet teacher session, "What felt right this year"? *
How satisfied were you with the LIGO elab workshop? *
Building the circuit boards (make and take). *
How satisfied were you with the part of the circuit board activity where we developed ideas for their use? *
Do you have more comments about the week?
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