Volunteer Application
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First name *
Last Name *
Current Address *
Year of Birth *
Cell Phone
Email *
Home Church *
How did you learn of The Center? *
How would you like to be involved at The Center? I would like to be an/a: *
I would like to be involved with the following programs at The Center: *
Which age groups are you most comfortable with: *
T-shirt Size *
When would you like to volunteer? *
How frequently would you like to volunteer? *
I'd like to volunteer for: *
Please tell us about your employment history. *
How long have you lived at your current residence? *
Please tell us why you want to volunteer to work with kids or adults at The Center. *
Please tell us of your past experiences working with children or youth. *
In thinking about your role at The Center, what is something you hope to be able to do or accomplish? *
Tell us about some of your personal interests & hobbies. *
What kind of children or youth are you most comfortable working with? *
Please tell us about any past history that may impact your volunteer work at The Center (addiction, arrest, trauma...) *
Please list any moving violations you have had in the past 3 years (DUI, Speeding tickets...) *
Our mission is to equip & empower generations through Christ and to help people take their next steps towards Christ together. We believe that apart from God we are unable to make a lasting impact; therefore, all that we do in and through The Center is based on His Word, which we hold to be infallible, prayerful,and Christ-centered. Do you agree with this mission? Please tell us if there are parts of this statement you do not agree with and why. *
Please list three references with contact information. They may not be family members.
Please share any other information that you think is valuable for us to know.
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