Call for Speakers - HVTech Meetup / HVTechFest for 2023

HVTechFest was the only TechFest / DevFest for the entire Hudson Valley region - annually since 2019. We wanted to get together and explore what's new in technology and what's going on in workforce development field. We wanted to mix tech professionals together to learn from each other, and we wanted to mix businesses with techies to discuss opportunities. We wanted to entice people to attend in person and expose them to GDG / Google technical eco-system.

Going forward we'd like to establish the regular schedule with tech talks, showcases (show & tell), career growth workshops (soft skills), and inspirational talks / trends setting. Overall the goal is to have a grasp on the tech industry speed, and help you to choose what you want to focus on next - where do you want to go?

We also want to see our local CS educators to mix and mingle with tech professionals, while enriching their classes with guest speakers talks and site visits. So your skills and exposure is in your hands. Apply to present, and make sure to have your Ask for the community ready.

Having this in mind, we are putting together this Call for 2023 Talks! Send us your webinar or talk proposals. Slots fill up quickly! Visit for all submission details, and the submission form is available at

What we are looking for:

Talks:                     25-30 minutes
Workshops:           1 to 2 hours
Panel:                     Suggested theme and named participants

Tech Talk Examples:
- Intro to Bootstrap / best practices / Showcase
- How CSS works - Vue vs Bootstrap vs ...
- Code standards and conventions with automated guardrails

Our focus is on showcasing, highlighting trends, sharing best practices, stories of successful collaborations, lessons learned, and solutions to community-wide issues within our various program tracks. Here is a few theme ideas:

- Digital Divide within the Hudson Valley Region
- Career and Workforce Development as an experienced practitioner
- Technology education in the areas of Cloud, AI, ML, Open Source, Privacy, and Cybersecurity
- Open Data and Data Analytics
- Technology growth in Healthcare, Agriculture, Financial, and in the Arts
- Maker movement technologies and activities

                 Of special focus and celebration are stories we want to be heard from businesses/individuals
                                                                   we call "Pivoteers"

"Pivoteers" - Businesses/individuals when faced with the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, did a pivot that saved and/or grew their business through the use of technology

The best talks will be selected to present at HVTechFest annual conference.

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Why to present?

It provides you an opportunity to build your professional network, share knowledge, experiences, and ideas. In addition, you will be recognized as a resource in this rapidly growing community. All speakers will receive a free ticket to the conference and other generous benefits.

Make an impact in your community! Fill out the form below!

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Mobile # *
Short Bio
Twitter Handle
Linkedin URL
Website Link
Professional Title
Where are you located? *
What are your personal pronouns? *
Are you interested in participating in any other way? Check all that apply.
What type of session will this be *
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