September 2024 Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you so much for signing up to volunteer with us this September. All of our opportunities will occur at our office at 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 103 in Norfolk unless otherwise stated. We are on the first floor of the building, to the left of the exit doors towards the Sheraton hotel.

We do not need as many volunteers this month as normal, but we do have a few options tied to our gifting program. 

If you are not on our volunteer email list and would like to be, please just fill out the mandatory questions below and we will send you our monthly volunteer newsletter, even if none of the opportunities this month work for you.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
Your email address *
Can you volunteer to select gifts from our gift closet on September 13th?
Can you volunteer to wrap birthday gifts on September 20th?
Can you pick up gifts from one of our YMCA partners on September 26th and bring them to our office in downtown Norfolk?
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