Propose Your Talk(s) Here...
While the earlier form ("EFY's Panel of Experts" aka Speaker Profile form) was for seeking YOUR details, this form aims to collect information about your proposed talk or workshop...

You can use this form to propose multiple talks too, each will require a separate entry. The good news: you not have to enter common info related to yourself and your profile, which was captured in the Speaker Profile form.

Once the form is submitted, you can expect to hear back from our editorial team within two weeks. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us at

1. Please enter your name and email address as used in the Speaker Profile form, so that we can match your talk submission with your submitted profile.
2.  If you've not filled the 'Speaker Profile' form, we recommend you fill that first

We strive to maintain the highest standards of content integrity and impartiality in our conference. To ensure that our attendees receive unbiased information and insights, our editorial team only accepts talks that are free from bias. Any talk that is deemed biased will need to be sponsored, and the sponsorship will be acknowledged during the talk.
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Full Name *
Job Title/Designation *
Organisation/Company Name *
Email Address *
Would YOU be representing your organisation as an expert or speaking in an individual capacity? *
The IDEAL audience of your talk is best categorised as: *
Proposed Title of Talk *
Who is the PRIMARY TARGET AUDIENCE of your talk? *
Which of these themes best suit your proposed session?
Which TYPE of talk do you propose to present? *
Proposed Primary Take-away for the Audience (What will your talk ENABLE them to DO?) *
OPTIONAL: Proposed Secondary Take-away for the Audience (What will your talk ENABLE them to DO?)
Would you be open to speaking in a PANEL, if we decide to have a panel discussion on this topic? *
Proposed Duration of Talk (including Q&A) *
OPTIONAL: Proposed Description or Table of Contents of Your Talk
Are you interested to enhance your visibility at this event through a sponsored talk?

This unique product offers a multitude of benefits, including:

• Enhanced Visibility: Sponsored talks will be prominently featured in our conference materials, website, and emails, providing maximum exposure before and during the event.

• Extended Reach: Leverage this opportunity to highlight your organization's leadership, innovations, and solutions to a global audience of industry professionals.

• Customized Engagement: Beyond your talk, we offer tailored sponsorship packages that include exhibition space, branding opportunities, and exclusive networking sessions, ensuring a deeper connection with your target audience.
Have you given a talk on similar lines before? *
OPTIONAL; If YES to given a talk on similar lines--can you share where and when?
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