Request for Registration Subsidy for IASFM 19
Please complete the following information so that we may assess your request for financial assistance.

Required questions are marked by a red asterisk (*).

If you have any questions concerning the funding request and consideration process, please email
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Email *
Family Name (Surname) *
First Name (Given Name(s)) *
Country/Countries of Citizenship
Country of residence/employment
Your Current Position *
Please indicate your current position (at your institution or place of employment), eg. doctoral student, visiting researcher, etc.
Name of your institution/employer *
The name of your academic institution, employer, or NGO.
Justification *
Please provide a justification for your registration subsidy request.
Biographical Summary
Please provide a summary of your experience and background with respect to your abstract and your participation in IASFM 19.  Please also indicate if you are presently a post-graduate student.
Other Information
Please supply any additional information that you may think is relevant to the consideration of your request for funding.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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