Tablet Survey
Your teachers are being asked how the first year of having Tablets in the classroom is working. We really need your HONEST assistance in answering this. We really want to know your thoughts. Please be honest in answering the following questions. Thank you!!!
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Name; Last, First *
Which period are you in? *
What do you like best about the Tablets? *
feel free to give more than one 'best'
What do you like least about the Tablets? *
What do you feel was the most useful or effective part of having the tablets? *
If you had the choice to use the Tablet or Paper/Pencil, which would you choose? *
Why did you choose Tablet or Paper/Pencil? *
Be specific please.
Please give you overall opinon of the Tablets and having them in the classroom. *
Positive and negative feedback, or both, are welcome. Just be honest!
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