2022 Clunes Ceramic Award Feedback
The Clunes Ceramic Award is a project of Creative Clunes, Inc.  It is organised wholly by volunteers and made possible by philanthrophic contribution.

Please answer the questions below to tell us about your experience of the 2022 Clunes Ceramic Award.  Your responses will be sent anonymously to the organisers of the 2024 Clunes Ceramic Award.
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What was your role in the 2022 Clunes Ceramic Award?
What was your general impression of the exhibition?
What was done well?
What should be done better, and how?
How likely are you to return in 2024?
No chance
How likely are you to recommend the Clunes Ceramic Award exhibition to your friends and family?
No chance
Any other comments?
The Clunes Ceramic Award relies on voluntary effort.  If you would like to be contacted about volunteering, please give your email address.
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