2025 Butte RWF Volunteer Hours: January-June
Many hands make light work. Thank you for taking the time to record the number of hours you volunteer each month.  The categories are 1. General Timesheet and 2. Caring for America.    
Round time up or down in 1/2 hour increments. Include travel time. Volunteer time includes in person or virtual.
If you prefer to send filled out forms for your volunteer hours email : butterwf530@gmail.com
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Section A. *POLITICAL ACTIVITIES * :  please list hours, if zero leave blank
1. NFRW & CFRW: Conventions, Conferences, Zoom Distinguished speakers, Committee work, Regional meetings etc.
2. Butte RWF BOARD & COMMITTEE MEETINGS: (don't count luncheons)
3. CAMPAIGNS: Phone calls, election integrity, poll watching, computer work, walking, mailing, social media postings
4. VOTER REGISTRATION - Fair booth, Farmer's Market, other
5. OTHER REPUBLICAN MEETINGS - Central Committee, RNC, CAGOP, other federated clubs, etc.
6. POLITICAL RALLIES & PUBLIC MEETINGS -Board of Supervisors, School Board Meetings,  City Council, City commissions, Rec & Park Board meetings, travel to and from
7. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Op-eds, speeches, Club Newsletters, historian, newsletters, social media, other
8. COLLECTING SIGNATURES FOR PETITIONS: Stop prop 47, recall Newsom, Parental Rights,  other
9. CFRW PROJECTS: Troops, Scholarships, MELP
10. MISCELLANEOUS: Rallies, Conservative book clubs, Literacy, Fundraisers, Trump Train,  etc.
Section A *TOTAL POLITICAL ACTIVITIES*:  hours for the month *
Section B **CARING FOR AMERICA Volunteer SECTION: please list hours, if zero leave blank
1. CLUB PROJECT 2024: Liberty Commons - transitional housing for female Veterans and families 
2. MILITARY SUPPORT: Active/Veteran, care packages, letter writing, other
3. FOOD PANTRY: Catholic Ladies relief, Hungry wildcat Food pantry, Chico Gleaners, other
4. NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: Neighborhood watch, safety patrol, Next door, other
5. SCHOOL /RELIGIOUS SUPPORT: Reading Counts, Girls on the Run, coach, tutor, Sunday school. Director of religious education, Childcare, other.
6. SENIOR CENTER: Meals on Wheels, Chico Gleaners, senior art class, other
7. HOSPITAL:  Enloe, Oroville & Feather River Hospital Volunteers, Project Linus, other
8. NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Discovery Shoppe, Salvation Army, Goodwill, American Cancer Society, Soroptomist, Rotary, Eastern Star, American Legion, Elks, Masons, Eagles, other
Section B **TOTAL CARING FOR AMERICA: hours for the month** *
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