LingHacks Curriculum Request Form For Broader Computing Clubs
If you have a computer science club, artificial intelligence club, women in STEM club, machine learning club, or any club of the sort (or are planning to start one), fill out this form to get some computational linguistics curriculum! This is open to all high schools, middle schools, and colleges.
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your best email? *
What is the full name of your school? *
Where is your school located (city, state, country)? *
What is the name of your club? *
What is the name of your club's faculty/teacher advisor (first & last)? *
What is your advisor's best email? *
Briefly describe what your club does and how computational linguistics would fit in with your club's goals. *
Would you like any specific computational linguistics content? Please specify if yes and write N/A if not. *
E.g. chatbot tutorial, neural network tutorial, ethics workshop, etc.
How many meetings are you planning to devote to computational linguistics? *
Approximately how long will each of those meetings be? *
Does your club have a website? *
If yes, what is the URL of your club's website? *
Write N/A if you don't have one. The URL you provide will be listed in the affiliated clubs section of our website.
Do you agree to abide by our curriculum accreditation policy? *
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