England Korfball Refereeing Forum
This will be an opportunity to hear from the EK Referees Subcommittee and discuss  RTP and 'Guarded Korfball'.

The sessions are aimed at referees but will be suitable for players, coaches and the wider korfball community.

Please chose one of the following sessions:

All sessions are now full, we will if there is demand, look at the potential of running additional sessions

If you have any questions regarding RTP, please contact England Korfball via email hannah.stockley@englandkorfball.co.uk.

Please let us know you'll be attending by completing the short form below:
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Please choose which session you would like to attend *
What are you looking to get out of the session? Do you have any specific questions or topics that you would like to see covered?
Full Name: *
Which club/ area will you be representing *
Please let us know any requirements needed to help you attend
Please enter your email address so we can contact you regarding the session *
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