下一站,去哪儿?活动报名 Faith Bible Travel Ministry Registration
活动详情:我们将提供车辆在信心圣经教会出发,集合地点、时间、费用(少许自费)我们将发邮件和短信给小伙伴们。We will provide transportation from our church in Flushing, and will e-mail the meeting place and time, and some of the expense to you one day before the event.

接送地点:信心圣经教会 Faith Bible Church
地址:142-34 Roosevelt Ave Queens, NY 11354

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下一站去哪儿?(可多选哦)Select the activities you would like to attend *
姓名 (Name) “每个人请单独报名,以便安排车辆” *
电话号码(我们会通过电话与您联系,请务必填写正确)Phone Number: *
年龄 (Age) *
性別 (Gender) *
E-mail *
微信号 Wechat
您是否是基督徒?Are you a Christian? *
您可否提供车辆?Could you provide a vehicle? *
如果可以提供车辆,请问有几个座位?If your car is available, how many seats are available?
参与的教会 (若您参与信心圣经教会小组填写小组名称):Attended Church
你未来希望能举办什么类型发的活动?或想要去什么地方?Where would you like to go in the future?
如何得知我们的活动?How did you know about our events? *
你和谁一起来的?Who do you come with?
Each participant please register individually, not in a group registration, because we need to know the total number of people in order to arrange vehicles. Thank you!
This is to let us know who your friends are in order to arrange the same car.)
您是全职学生吗?Are you a full-time Student? *
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