CSD Off-Site Student Tech Support
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Please fully SHUT DOWN your device, turn it back ON, and retest your issue prior to completing this form. This fixes many technical issues!
Student's FULL Name *
Student's attending school *
Student Grade Level *
Is the student enrolled in Cocalico Connections? *
Student District Username *
This is what students use to log onto the computer or authenticates with the district web filter. If unknown, please put "Unknown"
PARENT phone number if you need to be called for support. *
PARENT email address if contact needs to be made in this manner. *
[Grades 6 - 12] Can the student be contacted via Schoology Messages? *
If we can offer support in this manner, we will use this method first.
Are you having technical issues on a district-owned device or a personal device? *
Are you trying to use a Laptop or an iPad? *
What are you having Technical Issues with? *
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