Spring 2022 Virtual GradCO Series
This series is open to all Colorado graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. A link for the virtual session will be emailed to you in advance of each session.
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RESCHEDULED: Feb. 9 | Noon-1:30 p.m. | Interviewing Tips: Phone, Video, In-person | Chase Weldon, Career Center
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Job Search & Application Experiences Panel | March 24
The Panel includes three speakers from different stages of the job search process who will share their experience, insights, and advice: a professor who has experience as Head of Biomedical Sciences for the behind-the-scenes of hiring, an assoc. professor who has hired numerous postdoctoral fellows for his lab, and a graduate student who recently interviewed for several postdoc positions.
March 24 | Noon-1:00 p.m. | Job Search & Application Experiences Panel | Bret Smith, Brent Meyers, Rachel Doser
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March 29 | Noon-1:30 p.m. | Career Experiences & Advice: Federal Agency | Steve Hansen & Sarah Carter, USGS
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April 5 | Noon-1:30 p.m. | Career Experiences & Advice: Postdoctoral Fellows | CSU Postdoctoral Association Leadership
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April 13 | 2:00-3:30 p.m. | Career Experiences: Faculty and Researchers off the Tenure Track | Matt Camper, Faculty-Agricultural Biology; Thomas Conway, Faculty-English; Addy Elliott, Faculty-Soil & Crop Sciences; Julie Heinrichs, Researcher-Natural Resource Ecology Lab
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