Choose the Music! Dedicate a Song!
The CountDown Concert is a benefit for the “The Golden Cage” Crowdfunding Campaign.  It's a FREE DHC concert with electric harp and voice, inspired by Blues, Jazz, Folk, Flamenco - and of course, Musical Theater!  All are invited! There are 3 Virtual Concerts in One Day and we're celebrating the countdown to our crowdfunding campaign for "The Golden Cage" - my new musical - and we're getting SO CLOSE to the goal!

And YOU are invited to choose the songs you'd like to hear and even to dedicate a song to someone you love (including yourself!). WHY? Because it's FUN and it celebrates the power of connection that's at the heart of the story of "The Golden Cage."

Choose tunes below. Then check out the "Golden Cage" Crowdfund Campaign –  It's fun, and don't miss the perks!
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What concert(s) are you planning to come to:

Which of these songs are you most looking forward to hear?
Do you want to dedicate a song to someone you love?
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Which song would you like to dedicate from the list above?
Who would you like to dedicate it to, and what would like you like Deborah to say?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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