Camp Webber Registration 2024

Camp Webber is a six-day/five-night adapted sports camp for youth who are blind and visually impaired. Held at Camp Birchwood, this program will offer the opportunity for youth who are blind and visually impaired to participate in adapted sports, meet new friends, and enjoy an overnight camp experience in the wilderness of Alaska. This FREE sports camp will also provide participants with individualized instruction for all activities. The mission of Camp Webber is to empower youth with visual impairments to be physically active members of their schools and communities.

WHO: Youth who are blind or visually impaired

WHEN: July 15-20, 2024

WHERE: Camp Birchwood, Chugiak, Alaska

AGES: Youth 8- 17 (or the summer before completing high school)

COST: Free 


If you have any additional questions about Camp Webber, please contact Ally Keene at
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