Free Trial Class Registration
Thank you for your interest in Mass Ballet! Please sign up below for a sample class for ages 2-10. We are currently accepting registrations for the 2024-25 school year. 

 For ages 10 and up, please email so we can find the best class for your dancer.

You can also learn more about our school at

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Email *
How did you hear about us? *
Child's  First Name *
Child's  Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Parent's First Name *
Parent's Last Name *
Cell Phone # *
Mailing address *
I hereby certify that my child is physically and emotionally capable in participating in this dance program. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless Mass Ballet, and any employee, contractor or volunteer, of any accident or injury that may occur as a result of this extra-curricular activity, its sponsored activities and performances.  I give Mass Ballet permission to use any video and photographs taken of my child in class, rehearsals, and performances for website and promotional purposes (names are not used). Please type initials below. *
Select Class *
Keep me informed about classes and performances *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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