2025 - Alice Harris Foundation Scholarship Application - SB
High School Student Application

The Sidney Lee Booker Scholarship $500.00 Highschool Students with a 2.5 G.P.A. or above are encouraged to apply;  Applicants exhibiting financial need ; commitment to complete his/her degree at Cheyney, Delaware State or Temple University and majoring in Hospitality, Travel or Tourism;  Strong Recommendations from Teachers or  Guidance Counsellors;
Live in Philadelphia, PA.; African American or Minority  

All requested information  should be emailed to AHFscholarships@gmail.com. 
Please put your full name on the Subject Line and make sure your full name is on all materials being sent.  


Scholarship recipients are required to attend the Annual Alice Harris Foundation Scholarship Presentation and and submit a “thank you” letter to the Alice Harris Foundation, Inc. upon receipt of their award notice.  


Email *
Applicant Name *
Address *
Email *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *

Mother's Name
Father's Name
Either Parent in Military or Veteran *
Name of your Highschool *
Name of School you have applied *
Has acceptance been confirmed *
1. Describe any school activity and amount of time spent  monthly 
2. Describe any school activity and amount of time spent monthly 
2. Describe any school activity and amount of time spent monthly 
1. Describe any community involvement, work experience or other activities.  Estimate of time per month and number of months per year
2. Describe any community involvement, work experience or other activities.  Estimate of time per month and number of months per year
3. Describe any community involvement, work experience or other activities.  Estimate of time per month and number of months per year
Please tell us in at least 350 words why your should be selected to receive this scholarship *
1.  Please submit the name, address, email, and telephone number of three people (non relatives) who can vouch for your character.  People may include:  teachers, administrators, counselors, pastors and others who can provide the requested information. *
2.  Please submit the name, address, email, and telephone number of three people (non relatives) who can vouch for your character.  People may include:  teachers, administrators, counselors, pastors and others who can provide the requested information. *
3.  Please submit the name, address, email, and telephone number of three people (non relatives) who can vouch for your character.  People may include:  teachers, administrators, counselors, pastors and others who can provide the requested information. *
Your signature
I hereby submit my application for the Alice Harris Foundation Scholarship and attest that all information contained is correct and true. I also understand the terms and conditions upon which the scholarship is granted. 

I am willing to appear for a personal interview or to forward any additional
information, if necessary. 

Please type your full name
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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