HTC Fall Play 2024 Monetary Agreement
Complete this form as part of the application process for joining the Hannon Theatre Crew for Loyola's upcoming fall play production.  Please answer each question with careful consideration.  You may save your progress and return to the form, but once you submit the form, your responses cannot be changed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to direct your emails to 
Hans Zhang (Stage Manager) at
or John Kuhl (Producer) at
Email *
Stage Crew Fee
All crew members-- including those in leadership positions-- are responsible for providing the Stage Crew Fee.

I will be providing a check for the amount of $100.00 for the Company Fee or agree to pay by the deadline of September 28, 2024.  The fee includes a Company T- Shirt ($20) I understand this fee serves as my insurance policy against any breakage of tools or equipment that may occur due to improper use.  

I understand that this Company Fee is non-refundable should I quit HTC crew, if I am asked to leave HTC crew, or if I am cut from HTC crew for not fulfilling the requisite amount of hours by the cut dates.

Students on financial aid should speak directly to Mr. Kuhl.  

The check should be made out to Loyola High School.

Do you agree to pay the Stage Crew Fee? *
Tee Shirt Size
As part of your crew fee, an official tee shirt will be ordered for you.  The order will be made based on the size you indicate below.  You may not be able to change this size at a later date, so be mindful of your choice now. Furthermore, should you decide not to make arrangements to pick up your tee shirt on the day they are distributed, you will forfeit your right to it and no refund will be issued.  
Which size tee shirt would you like to order? *
Running Crew Fee
Furthermore, I understand that if I am chosen to be a member of running crew, I will supply the stage manager with an additional check for $50 to cover the cost of meals provided during technical rehearsals and special occasions (closing night festivities, etc.)
Do you agree to pay the Running Crew Fee should you be chosen to serve? *
Other Expenses
I understand that if I am chosen to become a member of the running crew, I will be expected to wear a uniform for backstage wear that will follow the dress code established for this particular production.  Most often, backstage crew members wear long black pants, black socks, black shoes, and a long sleeve black shirt bearing no markings or writing.  I understand I will provide my own crew clothes.

Also, I understand that HTC is not responsible for any mishap that should happen to clothing worn during a crew session.  For instance, clothing worn during paint sessions could/will get paint on it that won’t come out in the wash.  Students are encouraged to bring work/paint clothes to crew sessions.  
Do you understand the additional expense of providing the appropriate clothing for yourself should you be chosen to work on the running crew of the production? *
Do you understand that LHS is not responsible for any clothing that could be damaged due to crew activity? *
Optional Expenses
During the course of the show, I understand the following souvenir items will be offered for purchase.  Their purchase is not mandatory.  Furthermore, I am aware that if I do not order one in advance, I will not be able to purchase one at a later date.  I also understand that often other unofficial items may be offered at an additional expense.  

Company Photo ($25)

Production Photo Stills Dropbox folder ($25)
Do you understand that additional items are optional and that you will need to consult with the stage manager regarding your desire to purchase these optional items? *
Company Member Signature *
Your full name below constitutes a binding signature.
Parent (Legal Guardian) Signature *
Your full name below constitutes a binding signature.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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