CCH Online Courses - Application of Minimally Invasive Surgery: Post-test & Satisfaction Survey
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Post-test of CCH Online Courses - Application of Minimally Invasive Surgery
If you get wrong answer for 3 or more questions, the certificate will not be released.
1. Recommendation to a patient with dysphonia following a flexible halogen laryngoscopy that reveals no lesions should include: *
2. What is the application of robotic assisted breast surgeries? *
3. Which of the following is important in deciding treatment modalities for upper urinary tract stones? *
4. Which is not the advantages of thoracoscopic surgery compared with traditional thoracotomy in lung cancer patients? *
5. Which of the below muscles is not an intrinsic muscle of the larynx? *
6. Which one of the following is false? *
7. What is the common indication of endoscopic assisted breast surgeries? *
8. Which is the standard surgical method in lung cancer patients? *
9. Which of the following principal of laparoscopic colorectal surgery is not true? *
10. What is the advantage of laparoscopic surgery? *
11. What do you do in case of avulsion or perforation of ureter during ureteroscopic lithotripsy?
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12. Which one of the following is true? *
Satisfaction Survey for CCH Online courses - Application of Minimally Invasive Surgery
General Information
13. Name:(If you get qualified, we will show your name on the certificate) *
14. Gender: *
15. Nationality: *
16. Organization/Department: *
17. Title:(Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., ...etc.) *
18. E-mail:(If you get qualified, we will send you the certificate via this E-mail address.) *
Part A - About courses
19. I can easily find the link and watch online courses. *
20. It is a good way to learn new skills and knowledge through online courses. *
21. Online courses for Application of Minimally Invasive Surgery are benefit to my professional skills. *
22. The contents of CCH online courses for Application of Minimally Invasive Surgery meets my expectation. *
23. Post-test is too hard to me. *
24. I will recommend this online course to my colleagues and friends. *
Part B - About speakers
All in all, I am satisfied with the contents and experiences sharing by this speaker.
25. Dr. Hung-Wen Lai (Breast Cancer-Oncoplastic Surgery) *
26. Dr. Bo-Hua Chen (Urology-Ureteroscopic Surgery) *
27. Dr. Yan-Zhu Wang (Ob-Gyn Surgery-Hysteroscopic Myomectomy) *
28. Dr. Bing-Yen Wang (Chest Surgery-Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)) *
29. Dr. Wei-Yu Chen (Colorectal Surgery-Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer) *
30. Dr. Ming-Yu Hsieh (ENT-Laryngomicrosurgery (LMS)) *
Part C - Overall feedback
31. Please suggest if you have any comments/suggestions for the Online Courses to provide a better learning experience.
32. If these online courses are recommended by your friend, please write down his/her name here. Thank you.
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