Request for Integration with Meson-to
Use this application form to request for integration with Meson-to. We'll contact you within next business day after submission. For more information, join Meson Discord community and send a ticket for help.
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What's the name of your Project? *
What's your official website?
Please introduce your project (100 words max).
This will be listed on the Meson-to popup that serves as an explanation and guide to instruct user to proceed with the swap. See picture for illustration.
Captionless Image
How can we reach you?
We would love to speak with you on Discord or Telegram, kindly share your handles if you feel like the same way. Other contact methods work as well!
You have done your part!

Click to submit your request and we will get back to you within the next business day! 

At Meson, we really appreciate you interests in us and would definitely love to see Meson integration on your project, pushing your project user base to the next level!
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