Fury of the Swarm feedback form
If you've got thoughts on goonhammer.com's co-op/solo game mode, here's the place to share them.
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On balance, did you have fun? *
Which version of FotS did you play? (game versions will be added to this question as we release updates) *
Which mission did you play? (mission names will be added to this question as we release new ones) *
What size armies did you use? *
How many players were involved? *
How easy did you find it to understand the FotS rules? *
How well did the FotS rules work?
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Which 40K faction(s) did you use to fight the Tyranids in this game?
How challenging did you find the Swarm?
What (if anything) worked well about the game mode?
What (if anything) was confusing?
What (if anything) felt lacklustre or straight up didn't work?
What would you most like to see added to this game mode?
Any other comments?
By default I'm not collecting e-mail addresses. If you'd like me to respond to your feedback, please add your email address (or other preferred method of contact) here.
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