Application For Scholarship By CHS Engineering Booster Club (Due by Mar/25/2022, Midnight Central)
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Email *
Student Full Name *
Parent Email Address
GPA through 7 semesters as listed on the CHS transcript - Weighted 4.0 Scale (GPA 3.0 and above are considered for this scholarship)
Count of AP courses taken followed by comma separated list of AP courses names (write NA if not applicable) *
Number of Dual Credit courses taken (write NA if not applicable) *
Composite SAT score (write NA if not applicable)
Composite ACT score (write NA if not available)
Describe your career goals. Plans for future education (two-year, four-year, Grad or technical school) and in which topic of study do you plan to major?
Colleges that you have been accepted to - Top 5 Colleges you are considering (in order of preference).  If you have already accepted an offer, put an asterisk next to that school.
How has the STEM/Engineering program benefitted your education? How has it helped shape your thoughts, perspectives and future?
Please describe which, if any, STEM Extra Curricular Activities you participate in (include TSA, SWE, etc. and STEM Activities outside of CISD) including time of participation and lessons learned from those experiences.
How would you describe yourself in terms of the character, goals, values and passion? Please support with examples.
When the scholarship committee reviews your application, why should they choose you over another candidate?
By typing my name below, I certify that the information and resume supplied (if any) on this Scholarship Application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby authorize the Coppell High School Engineering Booster Club Scholarship Committee (“Committee”) to verify and investigate this information as it deems appropriate. I acknowledge that any decisions made by the Committee shall be fair and equitable and at their sole discretion, and I will accept their decisions and results. The award, if any, shall be sent to the University or College that I will be attending. *
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