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NE Sports Hub - Rental Request
Considering intense early interest, we are requesting all organizations, groups, programs or individuals utilize this form to ensure their request is captured and saved.
Check out our field layout options and virtual tour -
NE Sports HUB Facility Rentals
While all rentals are being captured and saved, expectations are outlined below:
Rentals for the spring of 2025 are slowly being evaluated around known HUB programming needs
Prime time hours are 5:00pm-10:00pm Monday thru Friday, 8:00am-9:00pm Saturday & Sunday
Rental Rates are expected to be:
Full field - 208'x128' | 26,624 sqft | $275 per hour - During prime-time hours
Half Field - 128'x104 | 13,312 sqft | $150 per hour - During prime-time hours
Baseball/Softball Field | 200'+ fence | $425 per hour - During prime-time hours
Baseball Modified 90' Field | 200' outfield 1, 280' outfield 2, 340' center | $550 per hour - During prime-time hours
Golf Events | Variable
To be offered in the future: Batting Cage(s) | $20 - 30 min; $35 - 60 min
Priority Partners:
Those also participating in HUB league offerings
Those requesting 8+ weeks
Those requesting off-prime or summer hours
Those requesting multi-year agreements
Rates are subject to change and may vary based on duration or rental, prime vs. non-prime hours and participation in other HUB offerings.
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Phone Number?
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If applicable
(Name of Organization, Program, Group, Club, Business, Association, etc.)
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Type of rental?
Single Day or Multiple, Non-Sequential Days
Short Term - Up to 8 Weeks in Duration
Long Term - Over 8 Weeks in Duration
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