All fields are required.  This form is required to audition for The Spotlight Performance Company.  All dancers trying out must enroll in a June camp and complete this audition form.
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Parent Name (First and Last)
Parent Email
Dancer's Name (First and Last) *
Age as of August 2024 *
Birth Date
What company is your dancer auditioning for (if your dancer is auditioning for a jazz or tap company but would also accept a spot on the performance group please check both)? *
Have you ever been a member of our dance company?
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If so, what company?
How many years have you been taking dance class?
What styles of dance have you trained in?
Which class(es) are you enrolled in for the 2024-2025 Season? *
What classes/camps are you enrolled in for June 2024? *
Jazz Company dancers are guaranteed 2 dances, one includes production.  We will be trying all different types of dances (duo/trio/small group/large group) for competition in different styles.  Please indicate the type(s) of dance you prefer.  

Tap company dancers are guaranteed 1 dance/small group.  No need to indicate here for tap company.  
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
Small Group
Large Group
What is your dancer's ideal number of dances to be in (total for both tap and jazz company). *
Please indicate if your dancer is interested in a solo this season: (requirements for solo include 2 years on team and HIGHLY recommend duo/trio experience prior to solo) *
If your dancer makes company, we will hold a parent meeting on July, 8th at 6pm.  You can attend this meeting in person or virtually.  Please let us know how you will attend the meeting: *
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