OLD: Contribute a CityChangers Story
The CityChangers platform shares fresh and engaging stories from change-makers around the world. They all have one thing in common: they have taken real action and made a real impact.

Our aim is to entertain and inform. Through storytelling, we equip potentially anyone with the knowledge they need to create better urban environments.

We welcome story contributions from you, the CityChangers community.

If you have or know an inspiring story of urban transformation and sustainability, we want to hear from you!

There are two ways to contribute to CityChangers.org:
  • write a guest article
  • collaborate on a podcast
To start with, we recommend you read our contributor’s guide.

Next, tell us your story using this short form. Please provide this information in English.

We'll get in touch to discuss our vision for what you've told us. If you like our suggestions, we'll collaborate with you to turn your story into a format to be shared with our community of change-makers.

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any immediate questions or issues with the form, reach out to us at citychangers@urban-future.org.

The CityChangers team

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