Verification of Enrollment Letter for Driver's Permit/License and/or Other Request
House Bill 1715 was signed into law April 26, 2021, by Governor Kevin Stitt, effective immediately. With the passage of this law, Driven to Read is hereby repealed, and students are no longer required to show 8th grade reading proficiency when applying for a driver’s permit or license.

You are not required to provide proof of an acceptable reading proficiency score however you will have to provide a letter from Tuttle High School to verify enrollment or a transcript as proof of current Oklahoma address.  Complete the form below so that we can process your request.

Instructions from DPS:

Once we have received this request, we will verify the required information and notify you when it is ready if you are picking it up.  Note: YOU WILL NOT GET AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE, ONLY COMPLETE ONE REQUEST.  WE WILL EMAIL YOU TO LET YOU KNOW WHEN THE LETTER IS READY TO PICK UP OR HAS BEEN MAILED.  (Be sure to check your spam as our school email addresses tend to go to spam).

If this request is during the summer months, please allow at least 72 hours for response.  We are on limited hours until August.
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Email *
Date of Request: *
Name of person requesting letter and relation: *
Please list a contact number in case we need to verify information: *
Student's Full Legal Name  (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST).  It has to match what is on their birth certificate. *
Student's Date of Birth: *
Would you like to pick up the letter or have it mailed? *
Enter full mailing address of where letter is to be mailed:
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