Discovery Club Membership Application
Students in grades K - 12 have the opportunity to join our Discovery Club for a one-time membership fee of $25 which allows you to purchase up to four tickets to any available performance for just $5 each, plus allows you to attend special member-only activities!

Subsidized by the Symphony and by our Sustaining Partners, Discovery Club Membership extends through your senior year of High School, and includes e-mailed invitations to special events, tours, and artist and conductor receptions backstage at our venues including Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, and our Artistic and Operations Center located at the Bell Tower.

Discovery Club is a great opportunity to affordably connect our youth to the many layers of a live symphonic performance!

You will receive your welcome packet in the mail after you register and pay the one-time $25 fee through this PayPal link:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Parent's Name *
Street Address *
City, State & Zip code *
Phone Number(s) *
Email Address *
High School Graduation  (approximately) *
T-shirt size *
Have you paid via PayPal or sent us a check? *
Additional comments
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