Debaser 2023 Audience Poll
Welcome to the Debaser 2023 audience poll! 

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback on our 2022 programming and activities and direction for our 2023 activities. 

Be candid and constructive - your responses will help us direct our energies towards things our community members want to see/hear/experience.

The first 20 respondents to the poll will receive a FREE ticket to Pique spring edition on March 11, 2023! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Contact Info (optional)
If you would like to redeem a free ticket to Pique spring edition, we will need your full name and email address. 
Full name
Would you like to be added to our mailing list?
Receive news about Debaser events and program announcements, opportunities, on-demand content, and more. We send newsletters out every 1-2 weeks.
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Demographic Self-Identification
The following three questions are OPTIONAL.
Age range:
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Gender (describe):
Do you identify as a member of an equity-seeking group? If yes, please describe.
Equity-seeking groups are those that identify barriers to equal access, opportunities and resources due to disadvantage and discrimination and actively seek social justice and reparation (source: Canada Council for the Arts). Equity-seeking groups include, and may not be limited to, Black, Indigenous, people of colour, 2SLGBTQIA, people experiencing poverty, d/Deaf, disabled, gender non-conforming folks, and women.
Why are we asking you these self-identification questions? 
We strive to create programming that is diverse, inclusive, and accessible, and this survey is one way that you can let us know how we are doing and how we can improve. It may be helpful for us to know the community or lived experience that you identify with in order to contextualize your response, but it is up to you whether you want to share that information.
Where do you find out about Debaser events and programs?
How else do you like to hear about general events and programs? Any suggestions on how could we improve the ways we communicate about our events and programs?
Safety, Accessibility and Inclusion
How would you describe your satisfaction with SAFETY at Debaser events?
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
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How could we improve your feeling of safety at Debaser events?
How would you describe your satisfaction with the ACCESSIBILITY of Debaser programming?
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
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How could we improve accessibility to Debaser programming?
Other general comments:
2022 Programming
Which Debaser events did you attend or tune in to in 2022?
How would you rate our past programming?
Very Poor
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How could we improve Debaser programming?
How would you rate the DIVERSITY of our programming?
Very Poor
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How could we improve DIVERSITY within Debaser programming?
Future Programming
What would like to see from Debaser in 2023? 
Which artists should we bring to Ottawa? What local artists are we sleeping on? How can we make our programming more engaging, interesting and fun? Which underrepresented and equity-deserving artists/groups would you like to see better represented in our future programming?
How would you rate your level of support for Debaser engagement in the following types of programming offerings?
1 (Not at all supportive)
5 (Extremely supportive)
Panels and discussions
Workshops and interactive learning
Exhibitions and installations
Live music concerts
Dance parties
Video and live stream programming
Music compilations / mixtapes
Publications / zines
Audio programming / radio / podcasting
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Other general comments:
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