Term 4 (Winter / Spring) Registration Form (January 7 - March 20, 2025)
The purpose of this form is to start the registration process for adult learners (ages 18+) who are interested in enrolling for classes at Vallejo Adult School. All information you provide is kept confidential and will only be shared with members of Solano Adult Education Consortia for educational purposes. By filling out this form, you agree that the information you provide is correct and also give permission for your photo to be used for school publicity. Social security numbers (SSN) are provided voluntarily. Students not providing SSN will receive follow up emails and phone calls. If you are a former student, your information will be updated based on your responses. A staff member will contact you by email with next steps to complete the registration process.
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Email *
Have you attended classes at Vallejo Adult School or Vallejo Regional Education Center before? *
What is your First Name? *
What is your Last Name? *
What is your Phone Number? (xxx) xxx-xxxx *
What is your Date of Birth? (Month/Day/Year) *
What is your Gender? *
What is your Street Address? *
What City do you live in? *
What Zip Code do you live in? *
What is your Social Security Number (xxx-xx-xxxx) or ITIN number (9xx-xx-xxxx)
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This form was created inside of Vallejo City Unified School District.

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