Volunteer for Goetz Bros. Hit-a-Thon
On Sunday, May 15, BRSLL will partner with Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods to bring BRSLL families a Hit-a-Thon Festival to celebrate the Spring 2022 baseball season. Acknowledging that we do not have a final schedule worked out yet, we'd like to collect contact information from family members, including high school kids, and BRSLL alumni, who wish to volunteer to help make this event a success. We'll make every effort to place your volunteer window around your child(ren)'s participation in the Hit-a-Thon Festival.
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Email *
Name *
Cell phone number *
Name(s) of baseball player(s) *
Your kid(s) play(s) in which division(s)? *
Your kid(s) play(s) on which team(s)? *
I am willing to volunteer:
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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