August 2024 PSU-Assist Acceptance Declaration
This form should be completed if you wish to avail of the PSU Application Assist (PSU-Assist) program. Please read and understand every question carefully and make sure you have already done a self-evaluation and see that you qualify for PSU-Asingan Campus' ETEEAP offered degrees. Also, please follow all the steps and instructions in the form to avoid delay in processing your application.
Email *
1) Your first name *
2) Your middle name *
3) Your last name *
4) What is your current address? *
5) What is your current job or occupation? *
6) Do you want to avail of our PSU Enrollment Documentation and Printing assistance?  *
7) Have you read the terms and conditions on this link? If not, please visit and read it. 
8) Did you do a self-evaluation and see that you really qualify on one of PSU's programs under the ETEEAP? If you have not seen PSU's page yet, go to the link below.
9) What degree offered by PSU did you see is fitted for your work experiences and expertise? If you have not seen PSU's page yet, go to the link below.
10) Do you understand that the PSU Assist program is not PSU's but a private entity's and that PSU will not be liable for any problems that may arise if you avail of it? *
11) Do you understand that this is not a guarantee of automatic enrollment to PSU's programs, but just assistance in preparation of your documents, printing and shipping them to PSU? *
12) Do you understand that the required fee of 2,000.00 PHP is not for PSU, and not part of your fees for actual enrollment and study at PSU? This is for the compiling, printing and shipping of your documents to ensure completeness of requirements before we submit them to PSU's evaluation team. *
13) Do you accept and agree with all the terms and conditions? Please write your answer.
14) Please signify your agreement by typing your full name on the space provided below. *
15) Please  type your email address in the space provided below. *
16) Please type  the date in the space provided below. *
17) Please enter your Facebook account in the space provided below. *
18) Please enter your mobile number in the space provided below. *
19) This is where you can pay the total service fee of 2,000.00 PHP (PHP3,000.00 for overseas-based) to the indicated GCash account. Then send a message attaching the transaction slip to the email address below. Please tick all boxes that apply when you are done. We will send you instructions after we receive your payment.

The list of documents you need to prepare and all the procedures will be on another document we will share with you after you submit the proof of your payment and have submitted this form.
Captionless Image
20) Do you sincerely attest that all the above documents and information you are about to submit are accurate and bear the truth about you and your background in relation to your ETEEAP application, and that said application can be disapproved or denied based on incompleteness and/or lack of truthfulness and honesty?
21) Do you understand that the documents you will submit will be kept by the school in their permanent record as per CHED directive and be used whenever someone needs to review the legitimacy of your degree?
22) If you have not submitted your payment slip to the email address in question 19, please do it now. And then type the confirmation number (GCash reference number) in the space below. After this you can now proceed to Section 2 where you will be provided additional instructions.
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