Let's Talk Electric Vehicles
I Am Green GO! EV Car-share program would allow community members living in eligible communities in Southeastern San Diego to use cars on an hourly or daily, as-needed basis. I Am Green will provide vehicle maintenance, repair, and insurance. This initiative will allow individuals in communities over-exposed to transportation emissions with sensitive populations as identified by CalEnviroScreen and the Climate Equity Index, to gain the benefits of using a private car without the costs and responsibilities of owning a car. After reserving a vehicle, program members can pick up and return a car at designated locations, sanitize it, lock it, and leave it for the next car sharer.  But First, we have a few questions to help us better serve our community.

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Email Address *
Your zip code *
Do you own a vehicle? *
Do you use public transportation? *
Have you ever used Lyft? Uber? Taxi Cab? *
Have you ever borrowed a family member's car? *
Have you ever borrowed a neighbor's car? *
Have you ever driven or been a passenger in an electric vehicle before? *
Would you participate in an EV Car Share Program in your community? *
Would you be willing to pay a nominal monthly fee, no more than $10 a month to participate in an EV Car Share Program in your community? *
Would you think about buying a Electric Vehicle in the next 2 to 5 years *
What is currently preventing you from owning an Electric Vehicle? *
At what price would you be willing to purchase an Electric Vehicle?  ( select all boxes that apply) *
0 points
What is your gender? *
What is your age? *
Do you believe the should Government provide an incentive to buy an electric car? *
Do you think Electric Cars are economical? *
Do you think Electric cars will surpass gasoline cars in the near future? *
Where do you currently live? *
How did you hear about this survey? *
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