Liber8 Slaves- Funding End Human Trafficking (website in progress)
Liber8 Slaves are social entrepreneurs passionate about ending one of the greatest evils of our day- human trafficking.  
What if our everyday spending could fund the end of human trafficking? What if together we could redistribute some of the profits from multi-national businesses towards PREVENTION, RESCUE AND TRANSFORM those caught in work and/or sex slavery.

Your every day spending will be used to fund real projects that make a difference.

Please take 5 minutes to fill in this survey and sign up for updates at ...just 5 minutes to change the life of a child trapped in trafficking!  (just remember to check your spam folder and add us to your safe senders list!)

Make every dollar count! 80% of our profits fund tangible projects with the best anti-human trafficking hero's on the planet! And the remaining 20% is ploughed back into the social enterprise so we can sustainably help even more people.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
If you could give more money to end human trafficking, would you do it?
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Money For Jam - Funding the Abolition of Slavery
Would you consider purchasing your usual everyday products and services through a central  online hub which would provide funding to projects working to end modern day slavery?
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Would you support a social enterprise where we partner with well known companies with quality products and services and share in the profits which we then pass on to anti-human trafficking organisations?
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