Hello! Thank you for joining the Chaosium GenCon Team! We are so delighted and grateful to have you on board. Chaosium has some VERY exciting things coming for GenCon2024 and you're going to be apart of it!
The sign up schedule is below. All content will be provided prior to the event. See additional Keeper/GM details in the Description List above.
Please complete and return before JUNE 10th, 2024 ! I'll compile the official schedule based on your preferences and submit it back for final review.
GenCon GMs receive:
$10/hour of games run
$10 store credit per event run
A free t-shirt
A free Gen-Con Badge for 12 hours run
Again, signing up below does NOT finalize your schedule. I'll confirm your final schedule.
Thank you for signing up! We look forward to seeing you at GenCon! If you have questions, email me at Bridgett@chaosium.com. Thank you!