DNN Holiday Party RSVP
You're invited to join your neighbors to celebrate the holiday season!
Be merry at the annual neighborhood holiday party where we will gather to celebrate our neighborhood and the connections we have together. 
When: Friday, December 1, 6 PM - 8 PM
Where: 106 Division Ave. S
Who: YOU!
What: Refreshments will be provided. Downtown Ambassadors will be available to walk neighbors to and from the party. Please call them today to set up a time to meet: 616-250-8263.
Please complete this quick RSVP so that we know how many people to expect. Simply bring yourself -- and a neighbor if you can.
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Your full name *
How many people are in your party?  *
1 person
5 people
What is the name or address of your residential building in the Downtown neighborhood?  *
Best way to contact you:  *
Share that mode (your email address, phone number, or address to be reached)  *
What other considerations do you need for this party? 
We welcome all neighbors to social gatherings. To make sure everyone's needs are met, please note if you require specific dietary, accessibility, language or transportation needs here. 
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