Growers & Ranchers Legal Support Project: Legal Concerns, Issues, & Questions Survey
Thank you for taking some time to fill out this survey! 

About Us: The Growers & Ranchers Legal Support Project (GRLSP) is a soon-to-be legal services provider that will strive to provide legal services and education to growers, ranchers, and other agriculturalists* across New York State to support their sustainable growth and development as primary contributors to equitable food and agricultural systems in New York. Learn more about GRLSP here.

Survey PurposeTo help us develop this group in ways that best support our intended clients, we have crafted a survey to learn more about the legal issues, concerns, questions, and experiences of growers, ranchers, and other agriculturalists in New York State. As such, this survey is intended for those who work in New York State AND garden, grow, or otherwise participate in agriculture in New York State. 

Read our data use and privacy statement here.

With the exception of conditional logic questions, this survey's question are optional. You may choose to skip as many questions as you'd like. We appreciate any insight you can provide.

*For the purposes of this survey, "agriculturalist" is defined as any person who studies, manages, or otherwise participates in the cultivation of crops and soil and/or the raising of animals for consumption or other uses.
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Do you work in New York State AND garden, grow, or otherwise participate in agriculture in New York State? *
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