Shape the CACEE Community
As a national association, there are a number of committees, taskforces, and working groups that drive, inform, and add value to the community of practice that is CACEE.  

There is an open call for members of the CACEE community to add your voice, skills, and expertise to the table.  You can learn more about these opportunities and the initiatives that you will have the opportunity to contribute to.

Once received, your application will be reviewed by the relevant programming leads and chairs. These colleagues, along with the CACEE National Office, will be in touch to advise of whether your application has been successful at this time and to walk through any next steps.

 If you have any questions, please connect with and
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Applicant Name *
Applicant Institution/ Organization *
Applicant Email (By providing you email, you are providing consent to allow us to communicate with you)
What committee are you interested in volunteering on? Click all that apply. *
Please specify what province you work in *
What three skills or qualities will you bring to this committee? *
What do you hope to gain from volunteering? *
Anything else we should know?
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