Registration for Exploring Recovery Online Edition - June 27th
While we are technically still in Circuit Breaker mode, we've decided to continue this workshop and adapted the content to be taught via online.
This is a workshop to help persons in recovery from a mental health condition, to recognize and cope with the recovery process. Priority given to peers and caregivers.
Our facilitators are persons with a lived experience in mental health.
- explore what recovery means to you
- understand there are different forms of recovery
- identify what may help and what may not be helpful in your recovery journey
Timing : 930am - 1230pm
Online via Zoom (Link will be provided after registration confirmation)
*Registration for May 23rd will be closing by May 18th.
** We'll require participants to have their webcam/video turned on for verification/security purposes.
+ We'll still schedule in some break time in between.
++ Registrations will close at 12noon, Jun 23rd.