Calling all cyclists
SITU, Sustainable and Integrated Transport for Ullswater, is run by a group group of residents from the Ullswater Valley parishes. Its aim is to improve sustainable and integrated transport options for the benefit of all, as well as for the environment.

SITU would like to see more safe cycling and walking routes available for people of all levels of fitness.

At the moment there is no direct safe cycling route along the A66 corridor west from Penrith to Keswick as there is a “gap” between Stainton and Penruddock. Additionally the crossings across the A66 along this stretch of road are inadequate or non existent. Filling the “gap” and improving the crossings would give a safe cycling route all the way from Penrith to Keswick, and would open up access to the quiet lanes south through Dacre, Hutton, Matterdale and towards Ullswater, and north to Mungrisedale, Berrier and beyond. We think this would be of benefit to regular cyclists and occasional cyclists, residents and visitors, cycling clubs and family groups.

There is an opportunity to campaign to improve the crossings and for a safe cycling route along the A66 verge to fill the “gap” between Stainton and Penruddock. To support the campaign we need evidence that the route and crossings would be used.

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete our survey.
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Do you cycle for.........
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How often do you cycle?
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Would you like to cycle more than you currently do?
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If yes, what prevents you from cycling more
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Would you use a cycling route between Stainton and Penruddock
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Which of the A66 road crossings needs improving for cyclists (and pedestrians). Please use the table below to indicate how often you would use the improved crossing.
1-3 times weekly
1-3 times monthly
1-3 times every 6 months
Less often
Flusco/Dacre road
Hutton John/Greystoke
Penruddock/Sparkett Mill
B5288 Beckses/Walloway Road
A5091 crossing at Troutbeck
Crossing at Scales
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Please make any further suggestions for improving cycle routes along the A66 corridor. Thank you for your time!
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