Catholic Schools Wangaratta - Unlocking 2030 Education Conference Registration of Interest
If you are interested in registering for the upcoming conference please provide us with your details. We will then send you information on bookings and workshops. 
Thursday 23rd May - Option of college tour and networking dinner in Wangaratta
Friday 24th May - Education Conference (held at Galen Catholic College, Wangaratta)
Email *
Full name (first and last name) *
Current school where you are employed and location *
If you are an educator please include the year level you teach (please type N/A if not applicable) *
If you are an administrator please indicate your current position  (please type N/A if not applicable) *
If you are interested in bringing multiple people from your school or college please indicate the number of tickets you may be interested in?
Will you require overnight accommodation? *
Mobile number *
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