How to Help
One of the most asked questions around Love Chapel Hill is, "How can I help?" Here is your opportunity to do just that. Let us know who you are and how you think you can help. Please list the specific items, services, or food you would like to help with. The listed needs are on the "Needs" page under the heading.

 We will get you connected with the person that is in need. Thank you for loving with the Heart of Jesus.
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Tell us about yourself
All personal information will be confidential. We will connect you with the person who needs help.
Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Preferred Method of Contact *
Indoor/Outdoor Needs Listed (List specific Items you are willing to help with)
Food Help (List specific food needs you are willing to help with and how many times. This could include gift cards, homecooked, shopping, etc.)
Clothing Items (List specific clothing requests you are willing to help with. Note: Love Chapel Hill provides warm clothing options such as hats, socks, gloves, and blankets through the Strangely Warmed Ministry)
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