Volunteer Info Form
We sincerely thank you for your offer to help with the AMS 99th Annual Meeting in light of the current government shutdown. While we are are hopeful that the shutdown will end in time for all of our program chairs, session chairs, competition judges, and presenters to attend the Annual Meeting as planned - we do need to be ready for a scenario in which they will not be able to join us in Phoenix.
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Volunteer's Name *
Conference Name(s)/Events (list of conferences here: https://ams.confex.com/ams/2019Annual/meetingapp.cgi/ModuleProgramBook/0) *
Session Title(s) (if applicable) (links from https://ams.confex.com/ams/2019Annual/meetingapp.cgi/Home/0 will help!)
Days You are Available to Help
How are you willing to help? *
Please provide any additional information that you would like us to know
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