AIM Academy's Strength & Movement for Coaches
Learn More About The Program & Express Interest to Join
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Hey legend, thanks for wanting to learn more. First check out this vid where I talk through the program intent, how it works & what to do next 👊
Name *
E-mail *
City & Country *
Talk me through your training history... *
What are your movement intentions? *
Why do you want to join my program? *
Do you want to get stronger & bendier? *
Do you have access to a gym x3/week? *
Are you actively looking to develop your coaching? *
Can you read and understand English well enough to interact with others on a group call? *
Have you ever trained online/remotely? *
Are you cool filming & submitting your work? *
How do you like to learn? (you can choose more than one): *
The program is 10 weeks working together, kicking off on 2 September 2024.

The price is $1197 AUD. A monthly payment plan is available and costs a little more.

I'm pumped, are you pumped?? Type YES! 🤩
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