JUNIOR 4A Unit 1 - Talking about hobbies and interests.
There are 40 items in this activity.
Vocabulary - Hobbies and activities: Making jewelry, building models, writing a blog, baking, doing puzzles, playing board games, cooking, jogging, performing;
Likes and dislikes:Can't stand, enjoy;
Adjectives: Exhausting, creative.
Grammar: Talking about what people like to do.
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Name: *
A. VOCABULARY - Click on the correct option.
1. Maria loves_____ on the wekeends. *
1 point
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2. Jeff loves_____at home on Wednesdays. *
1 point
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3. Zac enjoys_____after school. *
1 point
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4. Wendy loves_____on Fridays at her aunt's place. *
1 point
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5. My parrot feels like_____. *
1 point
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6. Antonio doesn't like_____. *
1 point
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7. They don't mind_____at home. *
1 point
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8. I can't stand_____. *
1 point
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9. Lucia likes_____on stage. *
1 point
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10. Fred hates_____on the weekend. *
1 point
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B. VOCABULARY. Read and choose the right option.
11. Maria loves MAKING JEWELRY on the wekeends. *
1 point
12. Jeff loves BUILDING MODELS at home on Wednesdays. *
1 point
13. Zac enjoys WRITING A PHOTOGRAPHY BLOG after school. *
1 point
14. Wendy loves BAKING COOKIES on Fridays at her aunt's place. *
1 point
15. My parrot feels like DOING A PUZZLE. *
1 point
16. Antonio doesn't like PLAYING BOARD GAMES. *
1 point
17. They don't mind DOING THE DISHES at home. *
1 point
18. I can't stand COOKING. *
1 point
19. Lucia likes PERFORMING on stage. *
1 point
20. Fred hates JOGGING on the weekend. *
1 point
C. VOCABULARY - Match what they like doing.
What are their interests? *
6 points
Baking cookies
Building models
Doing a puzzle
Wendy loves_____on Fridays at her aunt's place.
Fred hates ____ on the weekend.
My parrot feels like____.
Lucia likes ____on stage.
Jeff loves____at home on Wednesdays.
I can't stand ____.
D. GRAMMAR - Click on the correct option.
Check how to talk about what people like to do.
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27. Tell me about your hobbies and interests.What do you like doing on your free time? *
1 point
28. So, do you mind doing the dishes? *
1 point
29. What do you feel like doing? *
1 point
30. Are you good at doing puzzles? *
1 point
31. How about a game of backgammon? *
1 point
32. Can you stand shopping? *
1 point
E. GRAMMAR - Complete the conversation. Type the right form of the alternatives given.
Teacher: Paulo, have you signed up for the spelling bee contest yet? Paulo: No, not yet. I hate(33)____(to spell /spelling/spell)words. *
1 point
Paulo: I like(34)____(playing/to play/play) the guitar better. *
1 point
Teacher: So, you might look into (35)____(join/joins/joining)the musical festival *
1 point
Paulo: Me? Thanks.(36) ____ (Performs/Performing/Perform) in front of people is awesome! *
1 point
F. GRAMMAR - Unscramble the words to form sentences.
37.  mind/Sarah/doing/doesn't/dishes./the *
1 point
38. loves/games./ Antonio/video/playing *
1 point
39.  don't mind/ with/helping out/I / at home./the dishes *
1 point
40.  hanging out/ the /enjoy / at/ I / mall. *
1 point
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