ECKMEA Honor Band & Jazz Auditions
Complete every section of the form. If you wish to audition on multiple instruments, you must submit an entry for each one. The school will cover ONE $18 entry for each student for each group (so up to one band entry and one jazz entry a specific student). If you back out, you must reimburse the school the fee(s). Students are responsible for covering the cost of additional ECKMEA auditions (multiple instruments) or for Sousa Honor Band. In most cases, the Band Boosters will cover the entry fee submission and then students will reimburse the Boosters.

NOTE - you can't audition for both ECKMEA Honor Band/Jazz Band and must choose. You can audition for both concert band and jazz band.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Grade *
Student Email address *
Student Cell Number *
Concert Instrument(s) on which you want to audition *
Jazz Instrument(s) on which you want to audition (ECKMEA District only)
Instrument Preference...if auditioning on multiple instruments, list them in order of preference starting with your top choice
Group Preference *
If you are auditioning for both Concert and Concert Band if only auditioning for Concert
Student Email Address *
Student Phone *
please use format 123-456-7890
Emergency Contact Name (First Last) *
Emergency Contact Phone *
please use format 123-456-7890
Emergency Contact Email Address *
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