Kasama Farm Volunteer Sign-Up: September 25, 2022

Our volunteer day will run from 10 AM - 2 PM at Kasama Farm in Hood River. We will send an address out a few days before the event.

Please bring with you the following:
- face masks
- water bottle
- layers of clothing to stay warm
- snack
- rain jacket
- work gloves (If you have your own pair that's great! If not, we can provide you with a pair.)

We have an outdoor composting toilet that you will be able to use. It's basically a toilet seat on a bucket in the barn.  
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Creating Sacred Space
To open and close the space, we will be creating a communal dambana (altar). You are invited to bring with you an item that represents your ancestors or gratitude to the land. (Examples could include: a photo, a food that your ancestors loved, a shell, your favorite snack, water). We also ask that you bring an offering to the land that you will leave behind, this can be a dried flower, water, a poem, a rock, soil from your garden, etc.
Name *
Pronouns *
Contact information (email or phone number) *
Volunteer day activities may include: shoveling, moving materials, using wheelbarrows, kneeling, squatting and bending, Please state any access needs so that we can accommodate your participating. *
Do you consent to have your photo taken while at Kasama Farm? *
We often take photos at the farm. We post photos on our social media and occasionally share photos with grantors. (If you take photos on the farm - please share them with us via IG or email!)
 Please let us know your dietary needs by September 11th to ensure that we can accomodate you. *
How did you hear about Kasama Farm? *
Would you like to be added to our Volunteer group text or email list to receive updates on volunteer days & asks?
Auswahl löschen
This year, we have limited funds allocated towards travel support. Will you be needing travel support? *
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