Notes: Does your child have a friend or family member at camp during this week? if so who
Your answer
Are there other weeks you would consider if openings come available? Select any that apply *
Notes: Does your child have a friends or family members at camp that they would like to come with or could carpool with.
Your answer
Camper Last Name *
Your answer
Camper First Name *
Your answer
Camper Age *
Your answer
Gender * used to help with grouping *
Camper Shirt Size *
Guardian 1 Name *
Your answer
Guardian 1 Cell Phone Number *
Your answer
Guardian 2 Name *
Your answer
Guardian 2 Cell Phone Number *
Your answer
Is your child a returning camper? *
Does your child have an allergy that will require medication to be supplied to the camp? *
I understand that submitting this form puts my child on the waiting list and does not secure them a spot for farm camp. You will be notified through text or email if a spot opens up. *